Basic Parsers

nommy provides a set of basic parsers to handle a lot of standard situations. A lot of these makes use of rust's new const generics


Tag matches an exact string or byte slice in the input buffer.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::Tag};
let mut buffer = "foobar".chars().into_buf();
assert!(Tag::<"foo">::peek(&mut buffer));
assert!(Tag::<"bar">::peek(&mut buffer));


OneOf matches one character or byte that is contained within the pattern string.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::OneOf};
let mut buffer = "bC".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(OneOf::<"abcd">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), 'b');
assert_eq!(OneOf::<"ABCD">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), 'C');


AnyOf matches as many characters or bytes that are contained within the pattern string as possible.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::AnyOf};
let mut buffer = "dbacCBAD".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(&AnyOf::<"abcd">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), "dbac");
assert_eq!(&AnyOf::<"ABCD">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), "CBAD");


AnyOf1 matches as many characters or bytes that are contained within the pattern string as possible, requiring at least 1 value to match.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::AnyOf1};
let mut buffer = "dbacCBAD".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(&AnyOf1::<"abcd">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), "dbac");
assert_eq!(&AnyOf1::<"ABCD">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), "CBAD");


WhileNot1 matches as many characters or bytes that are not contained within the pattern string as possible, requiring at least 1 value to match.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::WhileNot1};
let mut buffer = "hello world!".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(&WhileNot1::<".?!">::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().into(), "hello world");
assert_eq!(, Some('!'));


Vec parses P as many times as it can.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, text::Tag};
let mut buffer = "...!".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(Vec::<Tag<".">>::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().len(), 3);
assert_eq!(, Some('!'));


Vec1 parses P as many times as it can, requiring at least 1 match.

fn main() {
use nommy::{IntoBuf, Parse, Vec1, text::Tag};
let mut buffer = "...!".chars().into_buf();
assert_eq!(Vec1::<Tag<".">>::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap().len(), 3);

// assert_eq!(, Some('!'));
Vec1::<Tag<".">>::parse(&mut buffer).unwrap_err()